Kurulus Osman 51 bolom trailer Urdu and English

 Hello Friends! Welcome to Makki Tv Viewers, Kurulus Osman’s action-packed and emotional episode captivated Everyone was upset to see Bayhoca’s martyrdom,

the entry of new enemies and Osman Bay in trouble. All eyes are on Osman Bay to see how he will cope Certainly Osman Bay is going through a difficult time There is no doubt about their ability But now they have to make big and tough decisions as soon as possible Osman Bay is thinking of forming an alliance and increasing his army in these difficult times For which he is ready to go and meet himself even from Omar Bay Let’s find out how Togay came to know about this meeting between Osman Bay and Omar Bay According to Malhun hatun,

Kurulus Osman 51 In Urdu trailer

which three people knew about this meeting?

Will the Malhun suspect the Bala after the attack?

Will Omar die soon? Has Osman Bay found out about Dundar Bay’s betrayal?If so, how?

Is Faltius really dead or not? Is there another new commander in the series?

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